



As our lifestyle changes, so does our health, as health mainly depends on the way we carry our lifestyle. Every aspect of your life affects your state of wellbeing. Factors such as healthy self-esteem, optimistic outlook, and a network of close friends, financial stability, a nutritional diet and sufficient sleep contribute to the enhancement of the human wellbeing.

Physical wellness is developed through physical activity and healthy eating habits. Physical wellness is also associated to developing an inner sense of responsibility towards your own healthcare, such as treating minor illnesses and knowing when professional medical attention is needed.

Health is one of the most valuable possessions one can have, which is why it should always be taken care of. Physical health is connected to mental and emotional health, because the mind and the body are connected. Getting sufficient rest everyday is important to function at its best. Adults from the age of 26-64 need 7-9 hours of sleep everyday to utilize their energy sufficiently. Adults older than the age of 65 need 7-8 hours of sleep. Getting sufficient hours of sleep will help you feel energetic and alert throughout the day.

Another factor to keep in mind when considering physical wellbeing is learning about good nutrition and incorporating it within your diet. Eating a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, whole grains and omega-3 rich foods will optimize brain functions and maintain a healthy body. Learning about what you eat and how it affects your mood, energy levels will help you develop better eating habits.

Another aspect of physical wellbeing is taking care of the body by exercising. Exercising not only helps maintain a healthy body but also relieves stress and uplifts your mood. It is a powerful medicine to stress, anxiety and depression. If you don't exercise regularly, then look for ways to start small, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. Physical activity has immediate and long term health benefits such as reducing the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Make sure you get at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight everyday as it is a great source of Vitamin D and also lifts your mood. Limiting alcohol consumption, cigarettes and drugs will help you achieve optimal health.

Because stress is a part of our lives, it is important to maintain good mental health. Maintaining a positive mental health will allow you to work productively, manage stress and realize your full potential. Not managing stress can lead to decreased concentration and memory, confusion, loss of sense of humour, anxiety, anger, irritability and fear. Taking care of our mental health can help us combat or even prevent some mental health problems which are associated to chronic physical illnesses. Poor physical wellbeing can result to an increased risk of development of mental health problems, and poor mental wellbeing can lead to a decline in physical health. They are both directly proportional as the change in one, affects the other directly. For instance, depression has been linked to a 67% increased risk of death from heart diseases. It is important to maintain good physical and mental wellbeing to have your general health in a decent shape.